When I was forced to leave work, we were just switching to Microsoft. Years later, at home, I suffered trying to teach myself to do an elementary check register. I've been on Etsy for years, and just recently discovered people doing wonderful desktop publishing, one thing lead to another... I found these Trackers and then THIS! I was so SUPER EXCITED about this, I gladly updated my
Microsoft Office to use it. OMG, THIS CHECK REGISTER IS ABSOLUTELY WONDERFUL! You want to save time doing your bills, BUY THIS - NO JOKE!!! You will wonder why you didn't do it sooner! Not only that, but the gal who does these little lovelies, is incredibly nice and very helpful! I think I bought this for $3.50??? I would have easily paid anywhere from $10.00 to 20.00+ to get this without blinking an eye! THIS EXCEEDED MY EXPECTIONS AND BEYOND!